Dagalo: No port privatization or sale to any party

2023-12-06 20:05:31
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Transitional Sovereignty Vice President, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo has inspected several ports in Sudan today, including South Port, North Port and Khair Port. He was accompanied by the governor of Red Sea State, economic officials and experts.
Dagalo was briefed on the work of the ports and the major challenges that they face.
He stressed that the government is working to ensure a thriving environment for Sudan’s ports and the local population residing in the area.
While addressing port officials and employees, Dagalo stated that the country's main port is not undergoing privatization or sale. Instead, he said, Sudan’s ports need to be developed and maintained, while port workers need to be provided with continuous training and the proper employment conditions.
Dagalo referred to statements about the port’s imminent privatization as “baseless rumors,” and said great efforts will be made to develop and internationalize Sudan’s ports.
The vice president also met with the Sudanese Ports Authority, listened to a report about the ports and highlighted the need to develop the ports and bring in new cranes. He called the development of the ports one of the utmost “priorities of the Sudanese government.”
Meanwhile, the chief of the Shayayab tribe thanked the vice president for his concern for the local population in Red Sea State, particularly Shayayab tribes that ceded their territory in favor of the ports. In turn, Dagalo pledged to solve the water shortage in the state, as well as to defend the rights of Shayayab and, indeed, all landowners in accordance with the law.



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