RSF supporting force Commander in Wadi Saleh locality Col.Mohamed Adam Abakar (Al Bangus disclosed dispatching of RSF big force to secure roads in localities at the southern areas and at the borders with Chad .
Col.Mohmed Adam Abakar said while inspecting on Wednesday the RSF stops that the RSF are dispatched to secure roads linking between Taktekah and western Jagumah ,Um Joketi ,Forbarangah ,Bendedi ,anMakjerar .In addition to the main road linking the bordering Um Dukhun locality and Central Africa Republic .
Al Bangus affirmed the security situations wittnessed great stability because of the RSF dispatching that contributed in flourishing of the trade activity in the area.Pointingout that the RSF in the southern localities began to implement campaigns to curb the negative aspects to preserve safety of the society.
AlBangus affirmed that the RSF and the other regular security organs will never affect the civil peace in the area. Stressing on the important of the directives of the comandment to commit with boosting security and stability of citizens and imposing the power of state.
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