RSF -Al Genena Sector Affirms Readiness to Boost Security and Safety of the Citizen

2023-12-06 19:49:30
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Rapid Support Forces RSF–Al Genena Sector Commander Brig. Idris Hassan Ibrahim has affirmed the readiness of the RSF to boost security and safety of the citizens of the state to realize stability.
Idris has expressed in an interview to the SAF Broadcast today to boost peace in the context of deploying of the RSF and the other regular forces to secure life of the citizens.
He added that the RSF has greatly stick to the principles of its slogan ( Accessibility  , Rapidity –Resovledly)  and do not delay in  achieving its duty in guarding and protecting the State. 
He pointed out the military supporting deploying in the entrances of Al Genena to boost security, stability and to secure the markets, and return of the life to normality. He lauded the efforts of the First Vice President of the Transitional Sovereign Council for the urgent response to dispatch military supports that have played major role to boost security and impose the Power of the State in West Darfur state.  



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