RSF Seize Currency Counterfeiting Network in North Darfur

2023-12-06 19:47:58
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The Intelligence of the Rapid Support Forces managed to seize a specialized foreign and local currency counterfeiting network.
North Darfur Sector  Deputy Commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Brig. Khalid Mohammed El-Hassan Al-Fadlabi said, during his inspecting the  seized network today (Wednesday) in El-Fashir, that the RSF intelligence managed to arrest the criminality group after strict monitoring starting from Nyala till the end of the operation in El-Fashir.
He disclosed that the group constituted of 5 persons obtaining sophisticated counterfeiting equipment and huge quantity of black dollar and Euro paper along with millions of Sudanese pounds.
Al-Fadlabi affirmed the preparedness of the RSF to prevent all types of crimes and negative aspects, adding that the RSF will remain open-eyed to preserve security and stability all over the country.



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