Blue Nile State governor: Rapid Support Forces adds value in region

2023-12-06 20:10:39
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Blue Nile State Governor Ahmed Al-Ommda Badayl has welcomed on Tuesday the Joint Forces, which arrived to help contain recent tribal conflicts.
Al-Ommda stated that the regular forces have already managed to control the situation, pointing out that the RSF plays a significant role in the state and adds tremendous value in the region as a broker of peace and stability.
He underscored that the priority of the Joint Forces is to protect citizens and their property.
In turn, RSF Blue Nile Sector Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Abdul-Rahman Humaida said the arrival of the RSF will help the regular forces ensure peace and security inside the state and strengthen the social fabric of local communities.
Meanwhile, the local population in Blue Nile State praised the efforts of the RSF to maintain peace in Sudan.



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