Brig. Ali Yagoub Calls on Local Administration in West Jebel Marra to Stick to Brotherhood and Peaceful Coexistence Values

2023-12-06 19:43:00
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Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (West Darfur Sector), Brig. Ali Yagoub called on the local administration in West Jebel Marra Locality to form a board which he proposed to be named (rightful Lobby) aiming at cooperation and coordination amid the components of the locality, besides strengthening  the brotherhood and peaceful coexistence.
Brig. Ali Yagoub Jibril added, while addressing the leading figures of local administration in Nirtiti today (Monday), that the local administration will remain the backbone of the state due to its effective role in resolving the problems that occur among the communities.
He reiterated the preparedness of the Rapid Support Forces and other regular forces to protect the agricultural season through stationing its troops in all the areas of the locality to prevent any conflicts that might occur between the farmers and the shepherds.
For his part, Chieftain Al-Rasheed Mohammed Eisa affirmed the support and cooperation of the local administration with the regular forces to achieve t slogan (Freedom – Peace – Justice), adding that the local administration in Jebel Marra will exert all possible efforts to make the social components of the locality living on the principle of tolerance and acceptance of others afar from discrimination.



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