Vice President of the Sovereign Council Meets ICRC Delegate

2023-12-06 20:16:31
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Vice President of the Sovereign Council, RSF Commander in chief 1st Lt.Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Daglo recieved at the Guest House the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delegate in Sudan headed by Dr. Bascal Kouti and his deputy  Carlus Mouzeli in the presence of the RSF human rights and the humanitarian international Law Exective Director
Dr.Hasseb Jonathan .
The meeting discussed importance of signing the internstional agreement concerns the ICRC and means of its implementation with Sudan government.
Vice president of the Soverign Counci, RSF commder in chief welcomed the Committee and its missions dispatched worldwide.Affirmng its poineer role in achieving tasks according to specializations and agreements with the world States , and its respect to the State Sovereignity assuring his following up the international Memo concerns the ICRC with Sudan Government.
His excellency directed to accelerate implemention of the project to improve  prisons'environment in Sudan according to the international standards , expressing appreciation to ICRC contribution and  work within the regional and international organizations and the UN agencies in context of coordination and cooperation, besides partnership with the RSF in training  and qualification field ,and increasing of qualification in human rights fields,committed with rules of Humantrian International law .
For his part ,Dr. Bacal Kouti expressed his full satisfaction with partnership with the RSF as strategic partnership appreciating the unlimited support of the RSF commandment and the integrated coordination with human rights and the RSF humanitarian international unit.



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