RSF Reconciliation and Peace Committee prepares to sign reconciliation agreement in Blue Nile State

2023-12-06 20:11:14
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RSF Blue Nile Reconciliation and Peace Committee Chairman, Brigadier Ali Yagoup Jibril has stated that a reconciliation agreement has been reached between disputing parties in the region. 

A conference will soon be held where the relevant agreement will be signed officially, he added. 

Jibril made the statement at a meeting with local committees assigned to resolve conflicts in the area. 

He stressed that the disputing parties have already reached an agreement to cease hostilities, open water resources, markets, and farms, impose the authority of the state and rule of law, work to hold the reconciliation conference within 10 days, deploy the Joint Forces to maintain security in the area, form an investigation committee, collect arms, and drive seditionists from the state.

Jibril explained that the agreement was reached by the Blue Sultanate, the leaders of the Hausa Tribe, the RSF Peace and Reconciliation Committee, the Rofa and Kenana Shura Authority, and the native administration. 

He underscored that peace efforts in the state are supervised by RSF Second Commander, General Abdul-Rahim Hamdan Dagalo and Blue Nile Region Governor, General Ahmed Al-Omda Baday. 

The governor praised the work of the committees to halt hostilities. He also added that the reconciliation agreement will be signed shortly in the presence of the RSF second commander.



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