RSF peace and reconciliation committee visit Khalwas for Quran in west Darfur

2023-12-06 20:03:25
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RSF peace and reconciliation committee headed by Col.Musa Hamid Ambelovisited on Friday many Khalwas for Quran in Al Genena in west Darfur state .
The committee stood on the situations and needs of Khalwas.,and distributed 625 dresses for winter season to the students in Khalwas of Shekh Al Gouni at the complex of Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim Jubai in Al Kefah quarter,and Khalwa of Sheikh Musa Abdullah Hussein  ,Khalwa ,Khalwa Sheikh Abu Bakar Al Sediq in Dissah village.
Head of the RSF peace and reconciliation committee Col. Musa Hamid Ambelo affirmed continuation in supporting Khawas for Quran and its sciences under the auspices of the FVP of the Transitional Sovereign Council, RSF Commander in chief 1st.Lr.Gen.Mohamed Hamdan Daglo aits his efforts in supporting Kgalwas to play its role in educatio and spreading Islamic Da"wa .



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