RSF Launch Integrated Anti-Corona-19 Programme

2023-12-06 19:41:41
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Upon the directives of the First Vice President of ,the Sovereign Council, Commander-in-chief of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), 1st Lt. Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, the (RSF)Anti-Corono-19 higher committee has started the  implementation of  its mission represented by enforcing all the anti-conrona-19 virus precaution measures among its troops.

For his part, the Manager of the RSF Medical Directorate, Colonel Dr. Yazeed Abdeen Abdulkareem said in press statements  (Saturday) that there is no a single case of Corono-19 virus among the RSF troops, pointing out that the  committee took all the required measures to reduce the gatherings in one place inside the camps, besides adapting a healthy and proper diet, along with intensifying the spraying and sterilization operations insides the barracks. He added that  temperature tests  are conducted regularly to the troops who are directed to limit their movements .

Yazeed revealed the establishment of emergency room immediately after the Ministry of health announced the existence of Corono-19 virus case, pointing out that the emergency room includes fast communication system in coordination with all the RSF sectors inside and outside greater Khartoum.

He went on to affirm that awareness lectures are prepared to raise the preparedness all over the country, hinting to the activation of precaution medication administration and the distribution of the medical cadres to cover all the departments (first aid, quarantining and sterilization operations).

Yazzed revealed providing  the quarantine area with all the modern facilities, pointing out to the establishment of new department to report on any suspected cases, affirming directing all the sectors to take the  precaution measures to reduce the spread of Corno-19 virus.



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