FVP Mourns Sheikh Abu Azza and Transports his Body On Private Plane to North Kordufan

2023-12-06 19:58:21
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First Vice President of the Transitional Sovereign Council ,1st Lt. Gen.Mohmed Hamdan Daglo mourned Sheikh Mohamed Abu Azza who passed away today .He committeed to transport the late on private plane from Khartoum where he was hospitalized; to Umm Ushara area in North Kordufan where he would be burried .
FVP said in his formal account that he mourned Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Abu Azza who passed away today after great suffering with the disease.
Abu Azza today ended a chapter in his life full of voluntary work.He spend most of his list life in teaching Quran to thousands of students spreading in all parts of Sudan .
Our condolences to his family ,students ,lovers and followers and to our relarives in Umm Ushara and North Kordufan, Sofism sects,and all Sudanese people for this great loss.
The body of the late was accompanied to Umm Ushara by a partner Council member Al Sheikh Al Tom Hajo and representative of the FVP of the Transitional Sovereign Council and the RSF Commander in chief, Maj.Gen.Al Kheir Abdalla .



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