Genaid Charity Foundation Supports Tulus locality Power Station

2023-12-06 19:54:06
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Genad Charity Foundation under the auspices of Member of the Transitional Period Council Partners, Deputy Commander in Chief of the RSF, Lt. Gen. Abdul Rahim Hamdan Daglo has provided support to Tulus locality in South Darfur State with 2 (500 kw) power transformers .
The support comes in response in fulfillment of promise of Lt. gen. Abdul Rahim Hamdan Daglo to the citizens of Tulus Locality.
For his part, representative of Freedom and Change Forces in the locality expressed appreciation to Genaid Charity Foundation for their generous support and the role of Lt. Gen. Abdul Rahim Daglo in supporting the locality besides his efforts in all the tribal reconciliations.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Executive Manager of Tulus Locality, Abdul Fattah Izzeldin hailed the role of the RSF in development,  pointing out to the importance of expanding the electricity network.
RSF Darfur Sector Commander , Maj. Gen. Isam Fedail called on the citizens of Tulus Locality to cooperate with the RSF to make the agricukutral season a success and preserving the security in the locality.



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