RSF Brought an End to Fear of People, Affirms Dar Berry Administration Representative in Kutum

2023-12-06 19:53:53
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The representative of Dar Berry Administration in Kutum Locality  of North Darfur State, Ishaq Ali Mansour said that the fears did not leave Kutum Locality since 2003 due to the successive incidents  in the city till the year 2017 when the Rapid Support Forces (RSF)were deployed to the area to protect the citizens and properties and that led to removing all the fear from the citizens.
Mansour lauded the role of the RSF in protecting the civilians and their properties  besides the securing the agricultural season in the locality.
“As representative of Berry I expressed appreciation to the RSF for its national role and its providing the various services to the farmers and shepherds  besides educational and health services” added Mansour.
He added that whenever they find the RSF they feel satisfactory and safety, but despite that there is still security fragility in some areas which requires increasing the forces to complete the peace and security cycle.
He pointed out that last year the RSF protected the agricultural season a matter that enabled the farmers harvest their crops safely.



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