The Rapid Support Forces RSF delegation led by Maj. Gen. Khalid Nour Al Dayim Breish RSF manager of Supplies directorate, Maj. Gen. Osman Mohamed Hamid manager of Operations directorate addressed the RSF in Al Fashir sector.
Maj. Gen. Osman Mohamed Hamid explained while addressing the RSF Al Fashir sector that the troops are a model of discipline in achieving their tasks. He loaded the roles of the troops in and outside the city of Al Fashir in securing the bordering strip of North Darfur state .Adding to that the full accessibility, affirming the capability of the RSF to protect the country. He stressed on the troops full accessibility.
For his part, the RSF Commander in North Darfur sector, Brig. Gido Hamdan Abunshuk explained to the delegation of the RSF conmanship the readiness of his troops as a supporter to the Peace Shield Forces, and the Desert Shield Forces to keep peace and protect the civilians in Darfur.