RSF in Central Darfur Affirm stability of Security Situations in the State

2023-12-06 19:53:34
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Commander of the RSF in Central Darfur State, Brig. Ali Yagoub Jido has affirmed that the state is stable and that there are not insurgency, denying any influx of displaced persons from Chad.
He pointed out that the RSF provided, besides the stability of security, social services to the citizens through sponsoring 90 schools, 8 model villages, police station, primary health centre, mosque and artesian well.
Yagoub affirmed in his address to the visiting RSF media delegation that the RSF protect all the locations of the UNAMID after its pull out , stressing on the necessity of assembling the troops of the armed struggle movements to reconcile their situations to enable for the continuation of firearms collection campaign.
He disclosed that the borders of the state with Chad and Central African Republic are stable and that there are no problems of displacement following the death of President Idris Debby.



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