RSF in Central Darfur Assumes UNAMID Offices in Golo and Western Jebel Marra

2023-12-06 19:53:15
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Commander of the RSF  in Central Darfur, Brig. Ali Yagoub Jibril affirmed that his forces assumed the offices of UNAMID in Golo and Western Jebel Marra localities after the latter started its gradual pull out according to the UNSC Resolution 2559 which ended the mandate of the UNAMID in Darfur. The UNAMID already evacuated three locations out of four in central Darfur State.
Yagoub revealed the time of assuming the last location of the UNAMID by the RSF and other regular forces in Zalingie city on 6th May according to the agreement signed between the government and the UNAMID, affirming the preparedness of the RSF to safeguard the UNAMID locations.
He said in press statements that t RSF are able to protect the citizens l the UNAMID pull out, besides contributing in the tribal reconciliations and leading an initiative aiming at boosting the national peace amid the components of the state, pointing out to the considerable stability in the state and the endeavors of the RSF in curbing the negative aspects through coordination with other regular forces.



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