RSF Commandment Delegation Addresses the troops in Al-Zuruq Area in North Darfur

2023-12-06 19:53:05
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A  delegation from the RSf commandment led by the chief of Supplies Directorate, Maj. Gen. Khalid Nour Al-Daim, Chiefs of directorates and Administrations has addressed the carnival organized by the troops of Peace Shield and tank corps in Al-Zuruq Area in the presence of RSF Commander for Darfur sectors,Maj.. Gen. Isam Addeen Fedail.
 Chief of RSf Operations Maj. Gen. Osman affirmed that the troops in Al-Zuruq is doing well in curbing the illegal migration and human trafficking on the bordering zone with  Chad and Libya, affirming the preparedness of piece Shield to protect the civilians and bringing about control.
For his part, Chief of  RSF Supplies Directorate,  Maj. Gen. Khalid Nour Al-Daim lauds the  significant role of the RSF iin the fight against corruption, smuggling and terrorism.



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