Deputy RSF Commander Witnesses the Inauguration of Human Rights Protection Training Course

2023-12-06 19:51:32
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Member of the Transitional Period Partners Council, Deputy RSF Commander in Chief, Lt. Gen. Abdul Rahim Hamdan Daglo has witnessed today (Sunday), the opening session of the Human Rights Protection Training course which took place at Al-Salam Rotana Hotel.
The course aims at capacity-building upgrading of the regular forces and those assigned to implement the law according to the international human rights standards.
The 2-day course is organized by Geneva Human Rights Institute targeting the Rapid Support Forces during which the international law, the protection of human rights and the international charters will be discussed.
Daglo affirmed the importance of the course to upgrade the capacity-building of regular forces in human rights aspect, adding that the knowledge of the regular forces about those rights will enable it conduct its mission professionally.
He expressed appreciation to HAC and Geneva Institute for organizing the course, affirming the continuation of training courses and upgrading the capacity-building of the regular forces considering it as a strategic goal.
Daglo said that they will deal firmly towards any violations committed by RSF recruits including lifting the immunity, pointing out to the cooperation between the judicial authorities and the RSF in achieving justice.



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