RSF Al Genena Sector Commander Receives Peace Shield Troops

2023-12-06 19:49:37
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The Rapid Support Forces RSF Commander, Brig.Idris Hassan Ibrahim has received today Tuesday at Habyil area the division 33 of the RSF coming from  the capital Khartoum, led byCol. Ahmed Khalil Ali as part of the Pesce Shield Troops distributed in Darfur five states to p?eserve security and to boost stability and comprehensive peace.
Brig.Idris Hassan Ibrahim explained that the peace sheild trops are considered a real addition to the RSF Al Genena sector and the military support forces affirming that the peace that the people are waiting for will be reality in the 8 localities of the state ,besides enhancingn the security in the city.
On his part, Commander of division 33 of the peace shield troops Col. Ahmed Khalil Ali has affirmed the readiness of the peace shield troops to work with the other regular forces to preserve peace ,secure life of the citizens and to curb everyone who threats security and safety of the citizen of west Darfur.
For his part,Chieftain of Habyil area Abd Allah Zakiria lauded the RSF efforts to achieve task, secure life if the citizens, to impose power of the State , and the Sovereignty of Law, added to securing and protecting the harvest season. He valued high the role of the RSF in security and stabilty.



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