RSF Contribute in Achieving security and Stability in West Darfur

2023-12-06 19:49:11
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Commander of the Rapid Support Forces and chief of Boosting of Security battalion  – West Darfur Sector -, Brig. Ali Yagoub Jibril Diridi has affirmed the stability of security situation in Al-Geniena , the capital city of West Darfur, and that the situation is  returning to its nature gradually following the recent violent incidents.
He said, in press statements, that the RSF supported by the Sudanese Armed Forces and police managed to bring about control safeguarding the city and its surroundings e.g. Sisi, Habail, Mujamari and Morni  IDPs camps,  besides the western and eastern areas.
He disclosed that the additional troops were deployed to West Darfur to support the RSF in battalion  which he leading in the area, affirming that the RSF are safeguarding the highway linking West  and Central Darfur States a matter that eased the flow of transportation between Zalingie and Al-Geniena, pointing out to the coordination between the RSF and the local administration in the state to boost the peace process and achieve stability in the area.
Yagoub warned against the promoters of violence through the social media outlets through hate speech, urging the civil society and humanitarian organizations to provide urgent support to try complicated the citizens who are living in very complicated humanitarian conditions in this winter.



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