RSF Commander (Kordofan Sector) Visits Participating Troops in 56th Shooting Festiva

2023-12-06 19:47:29
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Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (Kordofan Sector), Colonel Mohammadain Ismail Bishr has visited the RSF troops participating in 56th Shooting Festival in North Kordofan which came under the slogan (Shooting Is the Ultimate Power).
Colonel Mohammadain commended the preparedness  and firm will of the RSF officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who are participating in the festival. 
It is worth noting that the shooting festival will continue till the 23rd of December at the command of the 5th infantry division (camel corps) under the auspices of Chief Staff, 1st Lt. Gen. Mohammed Osman Al-Hussein and the honoring of the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council,, Sudanese Armed Forces Supreme Commander, 1st Lt. Gen. Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan.



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