RSF Commander in West Darfur Receives the Organizers of Peaceful Coexistence Tournament

2023-12-06 19:46:13
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Commander of Rapid Support Forces – West Darfur Sector -, Brig. Idris Hassan received in his office the peaceful coexistence tournament organizing committee.
Brig. Idirs Hassan said that sports represents a bridge of communications and mending the social fabric besides achieving peace which all are aspiring, expressing hopes that the tournament comes unique to reflect the awareness of the people in the State.
He announced utilizing all the capabilities to make the tournament, which will be participated by 12 teams, a success.
It is worth noting that the tournament is under the auspices of the 1st Vice President of the Sovereign Council, 1st Lt. Gen. Mohamed Handam Daglo.
The representative of the organizing committee, Ahmed Hamdan commended the efforts of the RSF in supporting the sports and sportsmen all over the country.



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