RSF Commander in Central Darfur Affirms the Return of Life to its Normality in West Jebel Marra Locality

2023-12-06 19:44:57
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The Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) – Central Darfur Sector - Brig. Ali Yagoub Jibril affirmed the return of life to its normality in West Jebel Marra Locality following the recent incidents which occurred in the Locality.
He said that the joint security forces (Army, RSF and Police) managed to bring about control and stability in the Locality in a record time.
Brig.  Jibril said in press statement, after completion of an inspection tour to Nirtiti today (Monday), that  the joint security force is ready to secure the agricultural season and preventing any insurgency.
He accused some parties – which he did not name – of fishing in troubled waters to destabilize the area while the government is endeavoring to achieve comprehensive peace in all conflict areas, urging the social components in West Jebel Marra to respect each other and to coordinate with the regular forces to preserve peace and the unity of the social fabric.
He disclosed that the RSF have enormous checkpoints in several areas in West Jebel Marra Locality, besides a n emergency force ready to move at any time in case of any urgency. 



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