Rapid Support Forces unit heads to Shafar-Let Military Base to protect borders

2023-12-06 20:05:52
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The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Command at the Omdurman Eagles Camp has bid farewell to its previous area of deployment and has started to move to the Shafer-Let Military Base.
The base focuses on fighting smuggling, illegal migration and violent crime.
RSF Representative of the Operations Directorate, Colonel Ezz El-Din Al-Jak Moktar stressed that the RSF is prepared to protect Sudan’s borders and fight crime throughout the desert areas of the country. He described the work of the forces as their “national duty,” while underscoring their important role in maintaining peace and stability in Sudan.
Meanwhile, RSF Fortieth Division Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Yousif Abd Al-Aziz stated that his forces were prepared for the move and are enthusiastic about performing their obligations before the people of the country.



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